Marjorie B. Ingall
Assistant Editor for Incontinence
McCalls MacCall's McCall's Macaws Mah Cause My Coz Magazine
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10169

Dear Marjorie Marjie Marge Margie:

Thank you for the book on incontinence. I held it tightly between my knees the whole time during the drive this past Sunday from our house on the East Side of Providence to the Second Baptist Church in Burrillville. We Phunns go there each Sunday to pray for guidance and to observe the latest in proper Rhode Island fashion. Enclosed you will find the results. I am going back to using good old-fashioned American-made clothespins. My lovely taffeta flower-print dress was, of course, nearly ruined. I had it dry-cleaned by that lovely old Jewish man, Mr. Morris Gastfreund, whose entire family was wiped out before his eyes in the Jewish Holocause, It is a wonder that he can still clean clothes. He is a real American now, even if he does have an accent. His bill came to $6,59, tax included, and I would appreciate it if Macaws would reimburse me for same.

Best wishes for a Happy and Continent New Year,

I remain

Very sincerely yours,

Priscilla P, Phunn
