Van Wickle Gate


Daniella and family spent the early part of the day at Brown, where she presented her final film to her department and its guests. Nancy and Joel came in from New York. Joel and I went out for lunch to test my claim that Flo's serves the best fried clams in the world. We took them to go and ate them in the car facing the surf at First Beach. Joel agreed that I might be right.

Late in the afternoon, the rest of the family arrived and we began our celebratory barbecue in earnest. The weather was a bit raw, so we ate indoors. The menu consisted of barbecued marinated chicken and vegetable shish-ka-bab, tabouleh, marinated vegetables, salad, bean dip, cold sesame noodles, hummus, and for dessert, a brownie sandwich with tofutti and chocolate amaretto sauce.

Setting up the room..Wrestling with Elana

Elana with Nancy

Joseph and Elana..Michael and Carol at barbecue

Family group..Carol samples the noodles

Daniella and Bess..Gilda

We returned to our apartment with the Hirschtritts to find the season's first Waterfire in full blaze right at our door. We walked around, enjoying the sights, the sounds, the smells, and the good feeling of brotherhood that marks this event.


Kettle popcorn..Italian sausages

Human statues

 On to Monday

 Back to Saturday
